We are two Brothers in Christ who have set themselves the task of saving the souls of those who face the agonies of Hell unless they come to the Lord before the end of the year 2011, when His Kingdom will arrive on our Earth and the righteous will be saved.
Read our profiles and learn about us, Septimus and George, and then hearken to the words which have been given to us by GOD.

Leave a comment for us on this blog so that we can count you among the Saved and wait for you to join us....
in the arms of the LORD.

Only one year and one month and a few days until the answer is Revealed. And we shall Move On.

Have you started to make preparations? I hope so.

We now have started moving our personal effects up into our secret location. Sorry we can't share it.

Pray real hard this Thanksgiving. This year it could make ALL the difference.


In case you folks have been wondering, it's been quiet around here as we've making preparations. Also, we didn't want to draw too much attention to our preparations. As much as we want to spread the Word and bring Joy there are some folks who abuse our Celebrations and to them we say sorry but ain't gonna happen.

Anyways, mostly our stores are full now, full for the days when the world wakes up to the news but before the Rapture has come and taken us all to the new level of Peace. Must say, it's been hard to resist to digging in to the stores already. I love corned Beef. What we are very short of is sodas. They've gotten so expensive around here we just can't afford to buy them by the case. If anybody knows where we can get a really stock, like a year's supply please write in.

OK gotta go and read now. We'll be checking in again soon, we are nearly in the last year of this earthly plane. Wow.

Those wise words below of Septimus, my Brother in Christ and how he tells of his vision and his wonderment at the sight of the white car and the eagle etc put me in mind as his words often do of the togetherness, the withness of life and I too reflect on how it shall be when the day comes when all these things shall be as dust and the righteous shall be gathered unto the Lord and the sinful shall descend to the uttermost pit.

And I thought too of those beautiful words:
All the nations will be gathered before Him,
and He will separate them one from another,
as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
And He will set the sheep on His right hand,

but the goats on the left.
Then the King will say to those on His right hand,
'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world'
Matt 25:32-34

Is it not strange that even unto today the Lord in his infinite wisdom has told us that those of the left shall perish and those of the right shall gain eternal bliss? A saying for today indeed but remember that whether the forces of the left or the forces of the right triumph on Earth in the coming years His Judgement will be made in 2011 when Jesus comes to make his choice among us.

I got up early this morning and went for a long walk.  Passing the Myrna Loy Center the sun caught me in the eye and dazzled me.  When my eyes cleared I saw a black and white cat stretching itself on the sidewalk in front of me.  Then a white car came past, but I couldn't see the driver.  Then I saw an eagle curving and swooping in the air – we get that alot around here.  So when I finally sat down in my favorite coffee shop on Last Chance Gulch and had time to collect my thoughts I wondered what it all meant.  Well I don't think it meant anything at all really.  But I did think about what would happen to all those sights after the Rapture.   Who would be coming with us and who wouldn't.  And suddenly I became real real happy.  I realised that I knew something that could save them all.  I found myself just sitting there with a huge smile across my face.  I must of sat there for around 40 minutes with my coffee getting cold and only me and the Good Lord know where my thoughts and dreams took me in that time.  And in a funny way, for the first time I felt that although the Day is soon upon us now I really think like we have al the time we need to carry out His purpose and that's why the Day will come no sooner and no later.  I am going to rest for the rest of today now.  But this has given me more strength than ever and I can't wait to start the real task of sharing the joy with people I haven't even met yet.  Who knows, perhaps I'll be talking to you in the next few months?

Keep the strength.

As we enter the last 41 months of this, our worldly life and turn our thoughts to the next yet more wonderful existence, it well behoves us to plan ahead.  I have resolved to take a cue from the leader of our brothers of the Apostolic Creed and to consider in advance where my prayers will take me.

I urge you all to consider this.  Think about what you will do in the final months and start to prepare now.  There is so much we can do to be ready, before the real work begins.  As in all things, it begins with prayer.  Your friends can benefit NOW from your prayers and you can increase the chance of their joining us on the Ultimate Journey. But only if you start in on this now.  Praise be.

It seems that no sooner do we try to bring attention to those who need to know that the Day has been fixed, well immediately the Evil One is trying to do his wicked work. From our friends in the Holy and Sainted isle of Britain we hear that he is trying to weaken us by attacking the Mother of Congregations.

The British Parliament launched what they call an Early Day Motion TO DISESTABLISH the Church Of England. Let us repeat that. They want to abolish the Church!!! Now we know that this Church has recently lost it's way somewhat and given a roof to fornicators and to those who are committed to unnatural acts. But we must fight wherever the Evil One shows himself. For the doubters who read this, we have only to tell you that the number of the Motion confirms it once and for all.

The number of the motion was the number of the beast. I will not type this number here (or anywhere, ever). The most I can bear to do is show you the English Parliaments' own record of it which is above.

Hug the person next to you, hold them and tell them this cannot be. If we all do this, we will make it to the Day of Rapture.